Everything s going well. It would have taken more than one year writing, financing, shooting, directing, producing while acting in it and traveling all over the world. We soon are going to devote our time entirely to sound, colors and music. The movie s now at 95 minutes. I am already researching next ideas and thinking about life..when I was like...5 minutes to myself in one day.
Look what was written in EAT PRAY LOVE the book that will become a movie with Julia Roberts in it
"Destiny is a play between divine grace and willful self effort.
Half of it you have no control over, half of it is absolutely in your
hands and your actions will show measurable consequence. Man is neither
entirely a puppet of the Gods nor is he entirely the captain of his
own destiny. He is a little of both.
We gallop through our lives like circus performers balancing
on two speeding side-by-side horses. One foot is on the horse called
"Faith," the other on the horse called "Free will" and the question
you have to ask every day is which horse is which, which horse do I
need to stop worrying about because it's not under my control and
which do I need to steer with concentrated effort."
very good writing. i like it. :)-l
Posted by: bath mate | December 17, 2009 at 08:37 AM