Do you know him? He is truly a renaissance man. He is a painter, a poet but also a comedic tv host, a comedian, an actor and a director, sometimes screenwriter and producer. He has drama and comedy but mainly known for his comedy and this is what he said to an interview in CNN a few days ago
"For me comedy and violence has a lot in common. Just as you expect, comedy always lurks behind the most unexpected of circumstances" medidate right?
As for me I am finished a many months Chinese course and we are approaching a newer version of my film, we will
soon work on the music..on the meantime I will do more stand up comedy in Beijing and also shoot something for Shangai television..I am thinking of doing an art exhibition at 798, the incredible Art center of Beijing where you easily get lost among the 100 galleries or so..
It has been so interesting China..working on my film, learning the language with my 8 colleagues Slovenia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Romania...I learned almost as much on Europe as I did on China. I can now do a truly international show..when I go on stage. There is very few cultures I don t know yet and I am planning to make a movie or documentary in Russia/South America and Africa just so I learn more about those countries.
Thanks to the grant I have from the Chinese government we are invited to top notch conferences last one was the ASEM where NICOLAS SARKOZY gave a top speech. Every European of my program (25 tota) all came and congratulate me as I was him. No matter what you think of him. He is probably one of the best speaker in the world, a closed second to Obama. Ok fine Bill Clinton was better..but he was so long..what happened to billou?